Recent research activities of Project SAFTE
On October 27th, the researchers participating in Project SAFTE met in Brussels for the third and final research seminar to discuss the analyses made so far. At this meeting the Flemish Peace Institute presented the findings of their comparative analyses on (terrorist access to) illicit gun markets in the EU and presented an overview of the current EU policy framework on illicit firearms trafficking and counter-terrorism. After an in-depth discussion on these research findings, the participants reflected on possible policy recommendations to combat this phenomenon.
Interviews with key actors at national and EU level are a crucial element in the research design of Project SAFTE. During the research process, the country teams interviewed in total more than 100 national actors involved.
In the past few weeks the Flemish Peace Institute also started interviewing international key actors involved, such as Europol (photo), Interpol and the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC). Several additional interviews with EU policy makers and other international actors are planned for the coming weeks.